Best schools in Noida extension 2018

Before you read the complete list of Best schools in Noida extension 2018, it is important that parents realize that there is no binary in school education system. A school can not be simply classified as good or bad just because a survey comes up with particular perception of the school. A lot depends upon the kid’s upbringing prior to schooling and a lot depends upon the kid himself/herself. At the same time, before searching for a school, clarity of thoughts is essential. Answers to these questions are a must have: Do you feel the child is smart and confident enough and only needs a right academic direction? Do you feel all that the child needs is to grow in confidence? Do you feel child needs to find a career in sports or other extra co-curricular opportunities? Do you feel you can put the extra hard work by taking your kid to coaching/training in sports/music etc. during non-school hours? or Do you feel the child needs to have a strong like minded company? If you have answers to all these questions, this Survey could help you since we divide a particular School’s rating based on individual parameters and then we come up with overall ratings based on a well researched weightage given to these parameters.

This year, along with SchoolBrainer, we researched around 45 schools in Greater Noida and 16 schools in Noida extension alone. 2 Schools namely Shriram Universal and DPS (KP V) will not be starting session this year and are hence not covered. Please note that 4 of these 16 schools will be having their first session this year and their ratings are primarily based on lineage, prospective parent’s feedback, planned/current infrastructure and submitted survey form, if applicable.

This year, we have re-adjusted our calculation of overall ratings for the school. We have taken 20% of Academics, 20% of Safety/Security and 20% of Individual attention to child as key parameters for overall ratings. These parameters are given highest weightage based on an online Survey we had run 3 months back. Other than these parameters, 15% of Co-curricular, 10% of Extra-curricular and 5% each of ‘Parents-Teacher Interaction’, ‘Infrastructure’ and ‘Teacher Welfare’ have been considered. More details of each parameter will follow after the list of Best schools in Noida extension 2018 which is given below:

The Survey for best schools in Noida extension 2018 took the following into consideration:

  1. Ratings/Reviews for schools given at individual school links given at
  2. Survey form submitted by schools (only 2 of 16 schools didn’t respond to requests and for such cases, the weight-age of consideration # 3 was extended)
  3. Parents Feedback and Desk Survey
  4. SchoolBrainer’s Social Sentiment Analytics

‘Survey Form’ and ‘Parents Feedback and Desk Survey’ constituted 30% each while ‘Online Survey’ and ‘Social Analytics’ constituted 20% each.

The schools were surveyed on following parameters:

  1. Academics – Defined by principal/headmistress/academic coordinator lineage, average experience level of teachers, criteria for employment.
  2. Individual attention to child – Defined by Student Teacher Ratio, Parents Feedback.
  3. Safety/Security – Defined by Safety measures at Gates, CCTVs, Number of Floors, flooring/pool/play area safety, Bus safety standards, Parents Feedback.
  4. Infrastructure – Defined by facilities/amenities and quality of infra.
  5. Parents involvement – Defined by PTMs, Number of Events where parents are invited, Parents Feedback.
  6. Co-curricular -Defined by Intra and Inter school Events conducted, Parents Feedback.
  7. Extra curricular -Defined by Intra and Inter school Events conducted, Association with Play academies, Play area infra, Parents Feedback.
  8. Teacher Welfare -Number of holidays for teachers, average working hours, Teacher Welfare Survey feedback.

Note: The collective points were rounded off to nearest multiple of 5. Where the Total points for two or more schools were same, Schools that rank high on Academics was ranked higher overall.


Last Updated on March 12, 2020 by Go4Reviews

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105 thoughts on “Best schools in Noida extension 2018

  • Pingback: The Millennium school Greater Noida West | Go4 School Reviews and More

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  • February 19, 2022 at 1:51 pm

    Sarvottam International School is one of the best school for your kid in Greater Noida West. If you are looking for an overall development and growth of your kid then this is the best place without second thought.

  • December 15, 2021 at 2:53 pm

    Want my both daughters to admit in schools in noida extension. Low budget good schools can u suggest.

    • Hi Anup, you could try in Aster school sector 3. Its a decent school. Let us know if you need help or have further questions.

  • December 23, 2020 at 11:57 pm

    SKS WORLD SCHOOL is one of the best and excellent school. I am very much satisfied with my son’s performance. He is doing well. Teachers are taking so much effort. Management Staff are really cooperative

  • Pingback: Sarvottam International School Greater Noida | Go4 School Reviews and More

  • Pingback: DPS KP V Greater Noida West | Go4 School Reviews and More

  • Pingback: The Infinity School Noida extension Greater Noida West | Go4 School Reviews and More

  • Schools needs to stress on individual attention which is lacking today. The cocurricular exposure is decent and academics is also the typical type. But with so many students in single class, things get difficult to manage

  • DPWS or DWPS Noida extension has topped the average result score in class X CBSE in Noida extension. Average score for class X CBSE Results = 87.05%

  • DPS Indirapuram which is the parent group of pacific world school has bettered it’s last year’s board exam performance. The average score in class XII is near 87% in year 2019. Feels good to be part of an all round school in pacific world school that has academics expertise combined with good individual attention to kid and very good sports and extra/cocurricular exposure.

  • Please tell me how is dpws for class XI Humanities

    • The faculty of DWPS or DPWS as was previously called, is one of the best in this region. And that is mostly what you need for senior classes. Go for it.

  • My child has been studying in SKS school since last 2 years. But after the Principal moved from there and after the recent planning to move kids to new block even after resistance from parents, we have decided to move on. We have liked lvis, pacific and BGS. What do parents of the school suggest?

    • Go for Pacific among LVIS, BGS and Pacific. The teachers are giving quality individual attention to kids. Teachers are good and so is the principal. Infrastructure is quite good. Fees is high but then you get what you pay for. Excellent option.

  • How is dwps school? I visited the school yesterday. Liked the staff and sports infrastructure. Other infrastructure like hall etc are just ok. Can parents from the school give their views please.

  • April 10, 2019 at 11:30 pm

    can anyone guide us for the good per-nursery schools in noida extension.Our daughter will be 3years in May.
    Please let us know when DPS KP-V will be open.

    • DPS KP-V will start from this session. You may try Pacific, Lvis, DPWS for holistic development. If focus is on studies, DPS KP V is also a decent choice.

    • Depends on where you stay and what are your requirements? Academics? Infrastructure? Sports? Co-curricular?

  • From what I have heard from friends, pacific is definitely the best of all the schools in the region. Aster is value for money but then if we if ignore fees, is not worth top 5. lotus valley, dpws, Sarvottam are some other decent choices.

  • March 16, 2019 at 9:47 am

    Best school in West Delhi, Childcentered school, Learning by doing methodologies, C. B. S. E. curriculum, Wonderful Staff members, Highly qualified staff, Easily approachable and one solution to all problems…

  • Recently a bloggers conference was held at infinity school. The administration and leadership looks good. I am not sure about teachers though.

  • Pingback: The Wisdom Tree school Greater Noida West | Go4 School Reviews and More

  • Now a new school INFINITY is coming up. How is the school versus BGS Vijnathama versus JM international?

    • Better than JM intl I believe

  • I am looking for school with fees less than 1 lac per annum during admission session. Please advise school good in academics and other activties.

  • January 10, 2019 at 9:06 am

    What about BGS vijanatham noida extension?

    • BGS Vijnatham’s curriculum is more close to Indian values. However, staff is not one of the best. And other schools seem better on academics front. Co-curricular activities are sufficient.

  • I visited LVIS and Pacific last week and liked both. Fees is not much difference considering infrastructure of pacific. What do you suggest?

  • I am staying in crossing republik and thinking whether to opt for a school in crossing republik itself or in noida extension. Kindly advise good options for nursery class for a girl. Max distance from CR <7KM

    • LVIS and Pacific are best options near crossing republic. You should explore both.

  • December 8, 2018 at 9:17 am

    This is really helpful, thank you for helping me decide between DPS world and Lotus Valley

  • My child is in LVIS. Some makeshift infrastructure is in place for sports. And academics and security look good. But, individual attention is a problem because of class size.

  • Thanks for the useful information. Please tell me how is St francis school

  • Pingback: JM International school Noida extension | Schools Real Estate and more

  • November 10, 2018 at 1:37 pm

    What are the options available for me Noida extension for admission in class 6th?? I am looking for an economical school and could shell out 6-7k a month.

    • Hi, please visit for details of fees of different schools in noida extension.
      For your criteria, Aster looks like an option you must visit. Try DPWS and then Ryan if that suits your budget. First year would be comparatively expensive due to applicable admission fees. Faculty wise, for class 6th onwards, DPWS is good. LVIS too may have better faculty in future.

  • I am looking for admissions for next session and fees is not an issue. Hence pacific is my obvious choice. Any parent here who can tell if there is any unknown issue with the school? Thanks in advance

  • I really liked pacific school. But they are not offering any discounts. What is your view on the school. Is 11k per month making sense?

  • How is the upcoming jm international school?

    • Please add details for jm international

  • Could you please tell about the better of dpws and pacific world school. Both are at same distance from my home.

    • Both are good but pacific world school is better if you can afford.

  • How is marigold public school in ecotech sector?

    • Better and established options are there in greater noida.

  • How is DPS school coming up in KPV in Noida extension?

    • The size of upcoming school is big. But the class strength will be highest among other schools and the staff is still being recruited. Since most of the schools already have got the good teachers in the region, it may not have that good faculty.

  • My daughter will be 3 yrs old in March. Which class will she be eligible for for 2019-20 session?

    • She will be eligible for nursery admissions next session.

  • Please advise between St John’s and blooms school

    • Blooms for sure.

  • I think Pacific school is doing really well. My kid started this session and the best thing I found is that the school is so receptive. The teacher quality is also good. Only one thing-May be they can work on inter school exposure as well.

  • Dpws and Pacific world are best options among existing schools in Noida extension. I really liked experience of staff in dpws and I also liked the vision, innovative teaching and infra in pacific world. And Shriram is also likely to start from 2020. These are excellent options for holistic development of the kid. People in greater Noida main are also looking towards Noida extension now and so are Noida 12x sectors. Great going.

  • I have liked pacific, lvis and dpws the most. I am keen on finalizing between these schools. What do you feel on fees part and which school has better prospect. Any parents also who could advise me on these.

  • Why is that schools like pacific and LVIS are charging so much fees.

  • Any advise on which is the most value for money school. Means less fees, more value.

    • Based on my own research and interaction with parents, It would be Aster in terms of value of money . But if affordability is not an issue then DPWS, LVIS and Pacific are worth exploring.

  • What is the pros and cons of pacific and dpws please

  • I am looking for scho for my kid for next session for nursery. I am very impressed by dpws and pacific and I Found lvis too much hyped (I am sure it will improve). Sarvottam is decent and so is Aster. Finally confused between dpws and pacific. Please parents only suggest how they find these schools so far.

    • Where do you stay? And whats your fees constraint. If fees is no constraint, Pacific world school is a great option and is catching up well with dpws.

  • Pingback: Fee structure comparison of Noida extension schools | Schools Real Estate and more

  • DPS KPV and GD Goenka international. whats the future of these schools

    • Go for DPS KPV among these two. But eventually both may have issues with individual attention. So, better you choose other schools which are established.

  • Pingback: GD Goenka International School Noida extension (Greater Noida west)  | Schools Real Estate and more

  • We are planning to shift Noida 7X or Noida extension, but before that we want to finalize school for my son who will be in KG next year. These are the options we have so far..

    GD Goenka, Noida sector 50
    Lotus Valley Noida Extn
    DPWS, Noida Extn
    Aster Public school, Noida Extn

    Need your suggestion which would be the best school (not too much pressure on kid), and Noida 7X vs Noida Extn which would be better from livability point of view right now? Thanks!

    • You must visit LVIS Noida extn, DPWS, Aster. All have their pros and cons but along with Pacific, they are definitely the best ones in the noida extension region. Suggest you must visit Pacific too. All these 4 schools have good faculty, infrastructure is the best in Pacific. We wont advise on GD Goenka in comparison. Livability wise, off course projects on 7x that are near to main road and still not facing main road are better. Since metro is going to be operational in next 2 months, it would be even more approachable. If you are looking to stay in 7x, better choose other nearby schools in Noida itself as given at

      • Thanks for your quick response. Highly appreciate that. We have went through the list of Noida schools appeard in go4review survey. We liked Amity, Lotus Valley and Sommerville (Pathways, Genesis and SBS beyond our budget) on expressway but the issue is my son was born premature and he had some medical issues so his growth was little slow. He is 5 now but looks more like 4 and extremely underweight. Keeping all in mind we wanted to admit him in KG next year but Amity and LVIS e-way has stringent age limit and they have refused to consider him for KG because he is over age.

        Then we visited GD Goenka which is relatively new and in Noida Extn LVIS, DPWS and Aster, they are not that much strict about age limit. We already received the call from all these schools for admission. We were considering GD Goenka because Noida Extn still looking premature for inhabitation. And we cannot send our Ward to school which is too far rather we’ll shift near to his school. Any specific reason to avoid GD Goneka Noida? Look forward to receive feedback from you.

        PS: will be visiting Pacific world and Sriram Universal this Saturday.

      • Visited Pacific world school last Saturday. Infra is top notch without any doubt and seems to be the most prepared school of the region. But somehow I felt there entire focus was on showcasing infra only. On the other hand had great meeting with LVIS principal, she hails from LVIS e-way and she sounded like a true educationist. Finally decided to go with LVIS hoping my kid will be in great hands.

        Dropped the idea of GD Goenka Noida, although location wise it was a better place for me.

    • DPWS and Aster, both are good. Aster is more value for money while DPWS is better but costly as well.

  • Pingback: CBSE Result analysis of Noida extension schools | Schools Real Estate and more

  • How is bloom International plz. This year result has been decent I believe and fees is also OK.

    • Result has been ok.

  • I want to get my child admitted from july. I am confused btw dpws and aster, could you help suggest.

  • My child goes to pacific world school and we are really happy with his first month there. the school has taken good care of the kid. they are giving good exposure to stage and field infra for which is in abundance there.

  • Pingback: St Johns School Greater Noida West | Schools Real Estate and more

  • Ryan Noida extension or greater Noida?

  • Shriram undoubtedly will be the best of all schools to come in the region. As of now, Aster, DPWS, Lotus and Pacific seem to be the most sought after choices. One must visit these schools at least once before concluding.

  • Pacific is the best of upcoming schools. Excellent infra, good vision. The first week of my kid at school was a good experience.

  • First couple of days so far have been really messy with the lotus valley school especially the transport. It’s a long term choice but it’s especially a risk in first few years from safety and individual attention perspective.

  • Excellent curriculum followed by DPWS coupled with experienced staff clearly makes it a good choice. Aster is good too but they have high student teacher ratio.

  • Having met principals of majority of schools, Lotus valley, DPWS and Aster are clearly the best. The vision of the principals of these schools is something to vouch for. Especially Jyoti Arora mam from DPWS. Great experience talking to her.

  • St Johns needs to work harder. The infra is still very less and teachers not approachable.

  • Pingback: SKS WORLD SCHOOL, GREATER NOIDA WEST | Schools Real Estate and more

  • Pingback: Delhi Public World School Noida extension | Schools Real Estate and more

  • Pingback: Salvation Tree school Greater Noida West | Schools Real Estate and more

  • Pingback: Bloom International school Greater Noida West | Schools Real Estate and more

  • Pingback: The Shri Ram Universal School Greater Noida West | Schools Real Estate and more

  • Pingback: Gaurs International school Greater Noida West | Schools Real Estate and more

  • Pingback: Ryan International school Greater Noida West | Schools Real Estate and more

  • Pingback: Aster Public school Greater Noida West | Schools Real Estate and more

  • Pingback: The Manthan School Greater Noida West | Schools Real Estate and more

  • Pingback: Pacific World school Greater Noida West | Schools Real Estate and more

  • Pingback: Lotus Valley International school Greater Noida West / Noida extension | Schools Real Estate and more

  • Pingback: Florence International School Greater Noida West | Schools Real Estate and more

  • Pingback: BGS Vijnatham school Noida extension | Schools Real Estate and more

  • I am a great fan of Go4Reviews. The list is quite unbiased in my view. Salvation tree principal is good but rest of the staff needs to improve.

    • Thanks for your feedback. Yes, the principal has been part of mt carmel schools in North. So, he has good experiences and has a good personality. But overall impression was there is enough scope to improve there.

  • I had also been to Florence and it was clear after talking to staff that only infra can’t take a school anywhere

  • The list is quite a good reference as I have visited and concur with your findings. However, given the infrasteructure, perhaps Manthan is a tad overrated

  • Please can you help advise between Manthan and Gagan. I am confused whether to choose acads or other factors?

    • Visit both the schools please. Both are different league of schools. Manthan is more new league while Gagan is traditional. Feedback on individual parameters are given within the article.

  • Thanks. How much of lotus valley infra is done?

    • One building is complete and the other one is under construction.

  • Pingback: List of top schools in Noida extension | Schools Real Estate and more

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