Best schools in Gurgaon for Academics
We have more than 400 established private/public schools in Gurgaon or Gurugram. These schools go to different board examinations every year. The Board results for 2022-23 for CBSE were declared in May closely followed by ICSE and later by Cambridge and IB curriculums. Based on the outcome of the performance of students of various top schools in Gurgaon in 2023 board examinations, we have compiled the list of Best schools in Gurgaon for Academics.
Irrespective of the curriculum, we have tried to list them in order of their performance in board examinations. The average score of the school, which is generally based on all inclusive or best of five forms the basis of how these best schools in Gurgaon for Academics are ranked below:
Rank 1 DPS Sector 45
The school follows CBSE curriculum. 10th class average score was 91.1% and 12th class average score was 86.98%. This was the best class 10th result from any school in Gurgaon inclusive of CBSE and ICSE curriculums. The 12th class result was however not the best as we would see further.
Rank 2 LVIS
School follows CBSE and has 10th class average score of 90% and 12th class average was 86.5%
Rank 3 Shriram Aravali
The school follows ICSE curriculum which is considered slightly tougher in comparison to CBSE. Class 10th average score was 88.92% and for class 12th was 88.14%’
Rank 4 Salwan public school
Average class 10th score was 88% and class 12th score was 89.06%
Rank 5 Shikshantar school
School follows ICSE curriculum. Average class 10th score was 88% and class 12th was 87.28%
Rank 6 Blue bells model school sector 4
Class 10th average is 87.56% while for class 12th, its 85.5%
Rank 7 Shriram Moulsari
School follows ICSE, Cambridge and IB. For ICSE, Average class 10th score was 87.16% and class 12th was 86.01%. For Cambridge, 71% students had A* and A, less than 85% which was last year. School scored an IB average of 36.08 points where world average is around 30
Rank 8 Heritage school sector 62
School’s class 12th average is 86.2% and for class 10th, it was around 86%
Rank 9 Scottish high school
School follows ICSE. Average class 10th score was around 86% and 12th was 85%
Rank 10 Suncity school
Average 10th class score was 84.96% and for 12th, it was 87.19%
Rank 11 DAV school SECTOR 14
Average class 10th score was around 84.74% and class 12th was around 83.3%
Rank 12 Ridge Valley school
Average class 10th score was around 84.5% and 12th was 87%
Rank 13 Mount Olympus school
Average class 10th score was 84.1% and class 12th was 82.6%
Rank 14 HDFC school
Average class 10th score was around 84% and class 12th was around 85%
Rank 15 Shiv Nadar school
Average class 10th score was around 82.93% and class 12th was around 85.99%
(wherever not mentioned explicitly, school follows CBSE curriculum)
Blue bells public school sector 10, Colonel’s academy, GD Goenka, Lord jesus, Lion public school in Gurgaon also had some good individual scores in their kitty.
Disclaimer: Please note that while every care is taken to ensure accuracy of data, neither the authors nor publishers can be held responsible for errors or omissions or for any consequences from or of the information given. You are requested to inform us in case you feel one of your ward’s school is undeservingly missing from the list.
Last Updated on January 14, 2024 by Go4Reviews
Thanks for this research. Which is better between GD Goenka global and dps international.
Dps international is better, gentry is better and improving over period of time. Academics wise, both are similar
Confused between heritage and scottish high. One is cbse, other icse but it doesnt matter to me. I am looking for pre-nursery admissions. any parents here who can advise
I am looking for admissions to Scottish high. Is shriram aravali better? I am ok with a distant school
Shriram aravali is better but parents dont find it as approachable as Scottish high. Teaching Curriculum is better in shriram
Thanks for this research. Which is better between GD Goenka global and dps international.
Thanks mam for compiling this. Excellent work by you again for parents. This post is good for parents like me whose kids are in senior secondary and focus area is on academics
Very good information about the standard of education in different the reported schools
Thanks for sharing this compilation. I am confused between heritage and shikshantar. Need your suggestion on the same.
Heritage if you want better individual attention and approachability. Shikshantar if you want a more confident and independent child
How is gems academy for academics
Last year, it had good results but that reduced slightly this year. Can be considered for overall development