Best schools in Greater Noida 2018
Before you read the complete list of Best schools in Greater Noida 2018, it is important that parents realize that there is no binary in school education system. A school can not be simply classified as good or bad just because a survey comes up with particular perception of the school. A lot depends upon the kid’s upbringing prior to schooling and a lot depends upon the kid himself/herself. At the same time, before searching for a school, clarity of thoughts is essential. Answers to these questions are a must have: Do you feel the child is smart and confident enough and only needs a right academic direction? Do you feel all that the child needs is to grow in confidence? Do you feel child needs to find a career in sports or other extra co-curricular opportunities? Do you feel you can put the extra hard work by taking your kid to coaching/training in sports/music etc. during non-school hours? or Do you feel the child needs to have a strong like minded company? If you have answers to all these questions, this Survey could help you since we divide a particular School’s rating based on individual parameters and then we come up with overall ratings based on a well researched weightage given to these parameters.
This year, along with SchoolBrainer, we researched around 45 schools in Greater Noida and 16 schools in Noida extension alone. This year, we have re-adjusted our calculation of overall ratings for the school. We have taken 20% of Academics, 20% of Safety/Security and 20% of Individual attention to child as key parameters for overall ratings. These parameters are given highest weightage based on an online Survey we had run 3 months back. Other than these parameters, 15% of Co-curricular, 10% of Extra-curricular and 5% each of ‘Parents-Teacher Interaction’, ‘Infrastructure’ and ‘Teacher Welfare’ have been considered. More details of each parameter will follow after the list of Best schools in Greater Noida 2018 which is given below:
Rank | School Name | Academics | Safety/Security | Individual attention | Parents Interaction | Co-curricular | Extra co-curricular | Infrastructure | Teacher Welfare | Total |
1 | DPS school Gamma | 95 | 85 | 80 | 80 | 90 | 90 | 90 | 95 | 87.75 |
2 | Delhi Public world school Noida extension | 90 | 80 | 85 | 90 | 95 | 90 | 85 | 90 | 87.5 |
3 | St Josheph's school | 90 | 85 | 85 | 80 | 90 | 85 | 85 | 90 | 86.75 |
4 | Aster school Noida extension | 85 | 85 | 80 | 85 | 90 | 95 | 90 | 90 | 86.25 |
5 | Somerville school Alpha | 95 | 85 | 80 | 80 | 85 | 85 | 85 | 90 | 86 |
6 | Aster school Greater Noida | 90 | 85 | 80 | 85 | 85 | 90 | 90 | 90 | 86 |
7 | Ryan International Beta | 90 | 85 | 80 | 80 | 85 | 85 | 90 | 95 | 85.5 |
8 | Sarvottam International Noida extension | 85 | 85 | 80 | 80 | 85 | 90 | 90 | 90 | 84.75 |
9 | Apeejay International School Institutional Area | 85 | 85 | 80 | 80 | 85 | 85 | 85 | 90 | 84 |
10 | Cambridge school Institutional area | 85 | 85 | 80 | 80 | 85 | 85 | 85 | 90 | 84 |
The Survey for best schools in Greater Noida 2018 took the following into consideration:
- Ratings/Reviews for schools as per our online survey conducted last year.
- Survey form submitted by schools (Around 20% of 45 schools didn’t respond to requests and for such cases, the weight-age of consideration # 3 was extended)
- Parents Feedback and Desk Survey
- SchoolBrainer’s Social Sentiment Analytics
‘Survey Form’ and ‘Parents Feedback and Desk Survey’ constituted 30% each while ‘Online Survey’ and ‘Social Analytics’ constituted 20% each.
The schools were surveyed on following parameters:
- Academics – Defined by principal/headmistress/academic coordinator lineage, average experience level of teachers, criteria for employment.
- Individual attention to child – Defined by Student Teacher Ratio, Parents Feedback.
- Safety/Security – Defined by Safety measures at Gates, CCTVs, Number of Floors, flooring/pool/play area safety, Bus safety standards, Parents Feedback.
- Infrastructure – Defined by facilities/amenities and quality of infra.
- Parents involvement – Defined by PTMs, Number of Events where parents are invited, Parents Feedback.
- Co-curricular -Defined by Intra and Inter school Events conducted, Parents Feedback.
- Extra curricular -Defined by Intra and Inter school Events conducted, Association with Play academies, Play area infra, Parents Feedback.
- Teacher Welfare -Number of holidays for teachers, average working hours, Teacher Welfare Survey feedback.
Note: The collective points were rounded off to nearest multiple of 5. Where the Total points for two or more schools were same, Schools that rank high on Academics was ranked higher overall.
Last Updated on March 12, 2020 by Go4Reviews
This is a well collated list.
How is Jaypee school in greater Noida for overall development? Any parent whose kids are going there.
School lays lot of focus on cocurricular and extra curricular infrastructure. Somehow I feel academics lag behind due to this. Good for junior classes, may not be the case for senior classes
I think dpws Noida extension is good but not as good. St joshephs for example is better in academics. Similarly sarvottam is just OK. Lvis and Pacific should be in list.
Few more schools are coming up in Noida extension. Are traditional schools like DPS, Ryan, St Joseph better in comparison to these upcoming schools?
I need to know how is Millennium when compared with DPWS Noida extension on following – academics, co-curricular, sports.thanks.
DPWS is better. If you look at Millennium in Noida, the unsatisfactory feeling is growing among parents since last couple of years. Also Educomp has been reducing its investments in schools recently.
Dps recently had issues. What do you advise. Somerville or Ryan is a better option then?
Ryan is quite good considering greater Noida. Individual attention is similar in Somerville and Ryan both. Acads is a bit better in Somerville but exposure wise, Ryan is ahead.
What is parent’s take on marigold public school in ecotech sector?
Better go for established schools.
Which school is good in greater Noida from gentry perspective? Biggest issue has been this for parents
Go for Ryan in main greater noida or else go for schools in Noida extension like pacific.
How is Scottish Delhi school. Are they same as Scottish high in Gurgaon? And why is there only little info about the school.
Scottish delhi school has very good infrastructure. But I have always heard mixed reviews about academics.
Could you help compare between Jaypee public school, samsara and Aster.
Samsara is the best of these if you want holistic development. Following it is Aster in your list.
How is samsara school. I understand it’s from Meerut public school group which is quite acclaimed.
Yes good school.
After some recent news with DPS in gamma, people are preferring Somerville or Cambridge over other schools. What is your advice
Somerville is considered the first choice by many parents even before. Cambridge is ok.if you want concept building and international Ltd inclined curriculum.
Since schools in greater Noida are not known for overall development, I am thinking if I should move to Noida extension for my kid. I would really appreciate any suggestions on this please.
There are some good options like Dpws and Pacific world in Noida extension. Further, Shriram will also come up next year. Better visit these schools since nothing good is coming up in central greater Noida.
I am moving from Chandigarh and looking for a school good in justice development for class 2. Please can you give suggestion.
If your child has studied in Chandigarh and you want a similar school, I would suggest to try DPS and Ryan. They are best schools for acads. If looking for overall development, better head to Noida extension (pacific world school or dpws)
Which is good school in greater Noida for class 9th
Please advise which of GD Goenka, KR Mangalam or Jaypee school is good.
KR Mangalam is most established and better result oriented than other schools in the list
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I am confused between aster greater Noida and Noida extension. both have similar infra. which is better?
Greater Noida. Better results.
Ryan Noida extension or greater Noida
Which is better?
Both are more or less similar but acads of greater Noida is better
Which is the best school on academics front and where gentry is good?
could you please advise how is Cambridge in greater Noida especially how is the gentry there
I think the JP international could be there in the lost too. However I completely agree with most of other findings here.
What about pragyan school?
DPS is indeed the best school whether it be academics or co curricular opportunities.
Interesting to see greater Noida west schools here too.