Difference between temporary OC, OC, part CC and CC

A very common confusion among buyers/residents of group housing societies in Delhi NCR is what construes a CC (completion certificate) and what differentiates it from a Temporary OC (occupancy certificate) or OC or part CC. We do our bit to clear the confusion around this:

OC (Occupancy certificate): It is issued if a project or a well demarcated area within the project can be occupied. For this, the towers and apartments (all or within the demarcated area) have to meet a basic checklist as defined in authority building bye laws. This involves but is not limited to Fire safety, Lift safety, electricity and water arrangements.

Temporary OC: Conditions for offering Temporary OC is similar to OC but authority issues Temporary OC instead of an OC to a builder if he is yet to pay the land dues to authority.  Temporary OC is given on a condition that builder will pay its dues in a defined period which is usually a 6 months period. Of late, authority is lenient on effective implementation of this period considering real estate situation.

Part CC: Part CC is offered to a partially completed project whose all infrastructure services and amenities like water, electricity, STP, club, basement, greens etc. are ready and all clearances from fire and environment departments are in place. Part CC is issued for specific towers and converts to a CC when all towers/apartments are completed with similar conditions met.

CC (Completion certificate): CC is offered to a project where all apartments along with infrastructure services and declared amenities  are ready and all required clearances are in place.

Buyers are liable to verify that their tower has at least one of the above certificate before taking possession of their flats.


Last Updated on September 29, 2016 by Go4Reviews

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One thought on “Difference between temporary OC, OC, part CC and CC

  • September 29, 2016 at 11:24 pm

    Pls advise about SSDM heritage vally noida ext project. Is it approved one. Is investment there in villa advisable.

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