Now property buyers seek innovative ways of getting co-buyers along for fighting against injustice
Buyers of under-construction property in NCR region have for long been struggling to get sufficient number of co-buyers along for fighting against injustice meted out to them by the builder.
The result has been a divided face against the builder that makes it easier for the builder to deal with.
With time though, buyers have realized that strength is the key and a more vociferous and integrated group will only help their cause against the builder.
Hence, a lot of stress is being laid today on improving group strengths. This has invited many innovative ways of doing so:
1) Buyers have been dealing with project’s underwriters to seek contacts of more buyers so that they can be reached and made aware of the issues plaguing the project for which they should come forward.
2) Buyers have started using social media and online community publically and more effectively to invite more buyers to join them.
3) I was listening Radio FM yesterday and heard buyers of an under construction project inviting other buyers of the project to join the common cause.
4) Buyers have also started giving advertisements in leading daily newspapers inviting interested buyers to be a part of the struggle.

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Last Updated on December 19, 2015 by Go4Reviews