Best schools in Faridabad for Academics
We have more than 100 established private/public schools in Faridabad and Greater Faridabad. These schools go to different board examinations every year. The Board results for 2022-23 for CBSE were declared in May closely followed by ICSE and later by Cambridge and IB curriculums. Based on the outcome of the performance of students of various top schools in Faridabad in 2023 board examinations, we have compiled the list of Best schools in Faridabad for Academics.
Irrespective of the curriculum, we have tried to list them in order of their performance in board examinations. For schools where 2022-23 results were not known, results of previously years were considered. The average score of the school, which is generally based on all inclusive or best of five forms the basis of how these best schools in Faridabad for Academics are ranked below:
Rank 1 Modern Delhi International school sector 87
The school follows CBSE curriculum. Class 10th average result was around 88%
For class 12th, it was around 87% with highest of 99% plus in both class 10th and 12th
Additionally, a number of students cleared JEE in first attempt
Rank 2 Shiv nadar
The school had a Class 12th average of 88.4%
Also, it had a Class 10th average of 87.74%
Rank 3 DPS sector 19
Class 10th School average of 85.3% with highest of 99.6%
Class12th School average of 85.37% with highest of 98.6%
Rank 4 MVN Aravali
Class 12th average of approx 86.5% with highest of 98.2%
Class 10th average of approx 87% with highest of 99.2%
Additionally, there were, 28 selections in JEE
Rank 5 DPS Greater Faridabad sector 81
Class 10th average around 85% with highest of 98.8%
Class 12th average around 84% with highest of 99.2%
Rank 6 Holy child public school
Class 10th average around 84% with highest of 97.2%
Class 12th average around 83% with highest of 96.8%
Rank 7 MRIS
Class 10th average around 83% with highest of 97.6%
Class 10th average around 84% with highest of 98.8%
Rank 8 Modern school sector 17
Class 10th average around 83% with highest of 97%
Class 12th average around 84% with highest of 97.4%
Rank 9 Ryan international school
Average results for both class 10th and 12th stood between 80 to 85%
with a highest of around 98% in class 10th and 97% plus in class 12th
Rank 10 DAV sector 14
Highest score of around 98% in class 10th
Apeejay sector 15,, TSMS, Eicher, DPSG In Faridabad also had some good individual scores in their kitty.
Disclaimer: Please note that while every care is taken to ensure accuracy of data, neither the authors nor publishers can be held responsible for errors or omissions or for any consequences from or of the information given. You are requested to inform us in case you feel one of your ward’s school is undeservingly missing from the list.
Last Updated on April 21, 2024 by Go4Reviews
MDIS is the best school in the region. Many schools came up from good repute like shriram millennium, shiv nadar, dps. They all r good in their ways but results were not consistent unlike MDIS
Thanks. Please update for 2024 too when you can.
How is narayana techno school near srs?
Ok if you are just looking for a short term school. Not otherwise. Infra is less, some staff is good but many more are new.
worth reading for parents having concern for the quality of education for their wards.
How is modern dps or modern dis now in comparison to shiv nadar. I stay in sector 88 greater faridabad
Modern DIS is very good on academics. Class size only slightly more than shiv nadar. And that’s the only part where shiv nadar is better as per me.
Shiv nadar has good personal attention to the child. Modern DIS has higher class size. But if looking for class 6th onwards, Modern DIS is better.
Thanks, this is very nice information. I recently moved from coimbatore as my plant moved near IMT. I tried to search for board results but everywhere there is no information of relative scores and also most of the info is old. this helps.