Best schools in Raj Nagar Extension
Before you read the complete list of Best schools in Raj Nagar extension 2018, it is important that parents realize that there is no binary in school education system. A school can not be simply classified as good or bad just because a survey comes up with particular perception of the school. A lot depends upon the kid’s upbringing prior to schooling and a lot depends upon the kid himself/herself. At the same time, before searching for a school, clarity of thoughts is essential. Answers to these questions are a must have: Do you feel the child is smart and confident enough and only needs a right academic direction? Do you feel all that the child needs is to grow in confidence? Do you feel child needs to find a career in sports or other extra co-curricular opportunities? Do you feel you can put the extra hard work by taking your kid to coaching/training in sports/music etc. during non-school hours? or Do you feel the child needs to have a strong like minded company? If you have answers to all these questions, this Survey could help you since we divide a particular School’s rating based on individual parameters and then we come up with overall ratings based on a well researched weightage given to these parameters.
This year, along with SchoolBrainer, we researched around 15 schools in Raj Nagar extension and adjoining areas. We included some nearby schools from Raj nagar as well due to their proximity for parents staying in Raj nagar extension area. Ratings for few of these schools are primarily based on lineage, prospective parent’s feedback, planned/current infrastructure and submitted survey form, if applicable.
This year, we have re-adjusted our calculation of overall ratings for the school. We have taken 20% of Academics, 20% of Safety/Security and 20% of Individual attention to child as key parameters for overall ratings. These parameters are given highest weightage based on an online Survey we had run 3 months back. Other than these parameters, 15% of Co-curricular, 10% of Extra-curricular and 5% each of ‘Parents-Teacher Interaction’, ‘Infrastructure’ and ‘Teacher Welfare’ have been considered. More details of each parameter will follow after the list of Best schools in Raj Nagar extension 2018 which is given below:
Rank | School | Academics | Individual attention to child | Security/Safety | Co-curricular | Extra-curricular | Infrastructure | Parents Involvement | Teacher Welfare | Total |
1 | DPS Ghaziabad Raj nagar | 95 | 75 | 90 | 85 | 85 | 90 | 80 | 95 | 86.5 |
2 | DPS Raj nagar extension | 85 | 85 | 85 | 85 | 85 | 85 | 85 | 90 | 85.25 |
3 | GD Goenka | 85 | 80 | 85 | 85 | 85 | 85 | 85 | 90 | 84.25 |
4 | Parevartan | 80 | 85 | 85 | 85 | 85 | 80 | 85 | 90 | 84 |
5 | DPS HRIT | 80 | 80 | 85 | 85 | 85 | 85 | 85 | 90 | 83.25 |
6 | Presidium Raj nagar | 80 | 80 | 85 | 85 | 85 | 85 | 85 | 90 | 83.25 |
7 | St Pauls academy | 85 | 75 | 85 | 85 | 85 | 80 | 80 | 90 | 82.75 |
8 | The Modern school Raj nagar extension | 85 | 80 | 85 | 80 | 80 | 80 | 80 | 90 | 82.5 |
9 | Sanskar World school | 80 | 80 | 85 | 80 | 80 | 80 | 85 | 90 | 81.75 |
10 | Narayana e-techno school (perception based) | 80 | 80 | 85 | 80 | 80 | 75 | 80 | 90 | 81.25 |
11 | Carlo global school | 75 | 80 | 80 | 80 | 80 | 75 | 85 | 90 | 79.5 |
The Survey for best schools in Raj Nagar extension 2018 took the following into consideration:
- Ratings/Reviews for schools given at individual school links at
- Survey form submitted by schools (around 4 of 11 schools didn’t respond to requests and for such cases, the weight-age of consideration # 3 was extended)
- Parents Feedback and Desk Survey
- SchoolBrainer’s Social Sentiment Analytics
- ‘Survey Form’ and ‘Parents Feedback and Desk Survey’ constituted 30% each while ‘Online Survey’ and ‘Social Analytics’ constituted 20% each.
The schools were surveyed on following parameters:
- Academics – Defined by principal/headmistress/academic coordinator lineage, average experience level of teachers, criteria for employment.
- Individual attention to child – Defined by Student Teacher Ratio, Parents Feedback.
- Safety/Security – Defined by Safety measures at Gates, CCTVs, Number of Floors, flooring/pool/play area safety, Bus safety standards, Parents Feedback.
- Infrastructure – Defined by facilities/amenities and quality of infra.
- Parents involvement – Defined by PTMs, Number of Events where parents are invited, Parents Feedback.
- Co-curricular -Defined by Intra and Inter school Events conducted, Parents Feedback.
- Extra curricular -Defined by Intra and Inter school Events conducted, Association with Play academies, Play area infra, Parents Feedback.
- Teacher Welfare -Number of holidays for teachers, average working hours, Teacher Welfare Survey feedback.
Note: The collective points were rounded off to nearest multiple of 5. Where the Total points for two or more schools were same, Schools that rank high on Academics was ranked higher overall.
Last Updated on March 12, 2020 by Go4Reviews
Please suggest whether Amity Indirapuram or DPS rajnagar extension is better
DPS rajnagar but remember individual attention is poor both places
can any body share their experience about presidium Raj Nagar extn.
I am looking to my son for prep till class 12. pl suggest
I will never advise you to try the school. lot of focus on unwanted things. there are other good schools like dps raj nagar ext that you can try.
You must visit the better ones before you finalize the school for your child. Both HRIT and DPS Raj Nagar extension are good. But each have their challenge of distance. And sometimes traffic is really pathetic. If ready to spend extra hour for your kid to travel, these are best options
Hello I m confused about parevartan and presidium school in raj nagar extension please tell me which one is better for my child for class 1 admission.
How is St Paul’s academy in comparison to modern school
Modern school staff is better. However if you are looking at senior classes, I will advise St Paul’s in comparison
Which of these schools have fees less than 50k per annum and at the same time, good.
You can consider Parevartan for a lower fees option in Raj nagar extension
Any feedback on Narayana school in Raj nagar extension? WHtas its fees?
Quite mixed reviews. Limited infrastructure.
I am looking for a school for my daughter for class I. I have drilled down to GD Goenka, Modern school and DPS Raj nagar ext. Please advise which of the school would be better. I would be choosing school transport. So, distance is not that big issue.
If distance is not an issue, think you should choose DPS Raj Nagar extension or HRIT. Else GD Goenka is fine.
DPS Raj Nagar extension is better if distance is not a big problem as you mentioned.
Please advise about modern school. Is it same as Vaishali one?
It is different. It has a branch in Vasundhara. Open space is limited. Staff is ok.
Hi, can you please tell me about Sanskar world school. How is it for overall development of child.
The focus is on activities. The faculty needs to be improved.
Dps Raj Nagar extension fees is on higher side. Is it worth it?
Yes, better than other schools in the region. However, distance from city center is a definite problem.
Dps Raj Nagar extension has some mixed reviews on transport. Any parents here who can advise if that is true and if there is any improvement on that?
Hi, I have done some analysis of schools by visiting them. Dps Raj Nagar extension is undoubtedly good. And GD Goenka is decent but not as good.
Could any parent of GD Goenka school in raj nagar extension provide reviews on academics in the school. Also, is it a safe school for kid?
Initially it was the best choice in the region. My child also goes there and I am satisfied. However senior class staff is not as good in gd Goenka Raj Nagar extension.
Safe but not as good in academics.
Confused between sanskar and parevartan school. please advise on the better option among these in raj nagar extension.
Go for parevartan among these 2. Cheaper and decent staff.
Till which class is sanskar world school accepting admissions?
I am confused between DPS hrit and DPS Raj Nagar extension. Dps hrit is near road while DPS Raj Nagar extension is inside. Which one you suggest.
Dps Raj Nagar extension. They are associated with same group as dps Indirapuram. Infrastructure is very good.
What makes parevartan a preferred choice for parents. I am looking for a school for nursery for my daughter and confused between DPS Raj Nagar extension, parevartan and GD goenka. obviously, couldn’t get admissions to DPS Raj Nagar.
Dps Raj Nagar extension among these 3 if you are ok with its location and want to go for school transport.