Visuals of Greater Noida west schools
Greater Noida west or Noida extension region is educationally rich, richer than one what one would have initially perceived. Schools like Shriram, DPWS, Lotus Valley, Pacific World, Aster and the likes are clear indicators of an education revolution that has just begun. Not only is the abundance likely to propel education, it is also likely to keep the fees under check, which is good news. Just to keep the residents or would be residents abreast with the schools coming up in the region, we bring some visuals of Greater Noida west schools (Noida extension schools) here. 90% of the pictures below are taken by Go4Reviews Survey team. Feel free to shoot any questions that you may have regarding these schools. You are also suggested to go through the complete list of Schools in Noida extension and this year’s latest highly scientific and research oriented survey of schools done by Go4Reviews team.
We have divided the schools as per their geographical location within Noida extension (Greater Noida west region).
South of Noida extension

North of Noida extension

East of Noida extension

West/Centre of Noida extension

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Last Updated on April 2, 2018 by Go4Reviews
Thanks, please share latest pics as well.
the region has grown like anything. it is crowded and hence schools and retail both will do well
Thanks. I am out of India and moving back this year. Lovely to see the pictures.